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MLA Annual Meeting Newbie Pro Tips

MLA Annual Meeting Newbie Pro Tips
Thu August 15, 2019
MLA ’19 was one of my most favorite meeting experiences. Every day was filled with riveting conversations, inspiring presentations, and just pure fun. I left MLA ’19 with quite a few ideas and more business cards and pens than I could count.

Kelsa Bartley received the Educational Media and Technologies Section (EMTS) 2019 Annual Meeting Grant, which enabled her to attend MLA ’19 in Chicago.
Christy Tyson is a Educational Media and Technologies Section (EMTS) 2019 Annual Meeting Grant recipient, which enabled her to attend MLA ’19 in Chicago, and shares her reaction to the Janet Doe Lecture.
MLA expresses our sincere appreciation to all of these companies for their generous support of MLA ’19.
Chicago offers many opportunities for adventure. Heather, one of the official meeting bloggers, created her own adventure by visiting many of Chicago's iconic spots.
New librarians, are you already thinking about attending MLA'20? Take a look at these tips for a successful conference from MLA'19.
Returning to your notes from MLA'19? Take a look at this summary of Lighting Talks Session 3.
A list of books, articles, and other materials mentioned on Twitter during MLA ’19 in Chicago.
The Plenary Sessions were a great way to start the day and take everything in before I attended sessions and met with vendors. There were four plenaries this year and this post focuses on session #2.
MLA'19 was this new librarian's first medical library conference.
A summary of posters focusing on health literacy.
MLA'19 was full of fun and festive social events.
While most of the non-MLA activities, tours, museums, and designer stores in Chicago do not open until 10am, there are still plenty of things to do.

Join a Sunrise Seminar offered by one of our many vendors, like as Wolters Kluwer, Elsevier, Visual Dx, and APA, just to name a few.
If you are a mem
Elevate your search strategy using these tools!
The theme of this year’s MLA Conference was to “elevate,” and the posters presented delivered. Many of the posters discussed how they improved, changed, reimagined, empowered, or “elevated” an aspect of their library.

For instance, a poster from the University of Hawaii at Manoa discussed how Wikip
For those who weren’t able to attend, here’s what was covered in the “Elevating by Evaluating: Recognizing and Avoiding Implicit Bias in Consumer Health Information” immersion session.
New members, mentors, and colleagues attended the new members and first-time attendees breakfast on Sunday, May 5, perhaps the most beautiful day Chicago has ever seen.
One in seven health sciences librarians (particularly newer and younger ones) may be prone to feeling like a fraud in their role, but working with colleagues, professional development, and mentorship may help eliminate those feelings.
The sections were abuzz at this year’s annual MLA Conference over the upcoming MLA Section transitions.
You might not have learned about adulting or virtual reality in your cataloging class, but you can ask your MLA colleagues!
Members enjoyed the exhibit hall which was full of fun and good cheer. Attendees mingled with vendors and colleagues while enjoying food, games, and giveaways.
How to rock it at a professional conference…whether you stayed in or hit the town with your colleagues, MLA ’19 had something for everyone.
Check out what NLM is up to!
Something for everyone – Immersion Sessions
NLM is updating PubMed. Learn where you can see the new version now and what changes are coming.
A reflection on reflective practice.
An excellent presentation on how one library uses Artificial Intelligence to assist with complex searches.
A summary of what was learned from attending a few contributed sessions on starting systematic review services.
A brief reflection on the social and networking opportunities provided by MLA annual meetings and how to seek them out.

A quick summary of the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section (NAHRS) dinner.
A brief overview of first-time exhibitors at MLA ’19.
MLA ’19 offered plenty of social events to see old friends and meet new ones.
An MLA’19 attendee chooses her own adventure: Looking for and finding laughs.
Sharing knowledge through poster presentations.
A few lessons learned by a first-time attendee regarding MLA’s organizational new structure.
Tips for organizing an immersion session from a contributor.
The hospitality booth binder is now available online.
The SitStayRead dog teams are joining us at MLA'19.
Tips for a happy and healthy conference.
Packing essentials from veteran meeting attendee.
The MLA'19 official blog and Twitter correspondents share their unique perspective, as they keep you current on on conference events.
Will you be in Chicago on Thursday or Friday before the official conference programming begins? Don’t eat alone! Join your colleagues for a dine-around.
Your personalized MLA'19 schedule at your fingertips!
You can register for continuing education (CE) courses at MLA ’19!

Come to MLA ’19 on Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, develop a skill in an MLA practice area, and have extra time to explore MLA’s home town, Chicago!
Hair, make-up, mani/pedis, and ink suggestions for Chicago.
The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library located on the University of Chicago campus in Hyde Park will be having a private tour on Saturday May 4, at 2:30 p.m..
Chicago is home to wide variety of bookstores and libraries.
Child care service during MLA'19.
Shopping on and just off the Magnificent Mile in Chicago is for everyone at every price point.
Come to MLA ’19 on Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, develop a skill in an MLA practice area, and have extra time to explore MLA’s home town, Chicago!
Learn about implementing an institutional data catalog and the collaborating group of librarians that support it at an information session at MLA '19 in Chicago.
Bringing family with you to MLA'19? This post highlights changing and nursing locations at the Hyatt and family-friendly activities in downtown Chicago.
Come to MLA ’19 on Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, develop a skill in an MLA practice area, and have extra time to explore MLA’s home town, Chicago!
The logo of MLA ’14, featured iconic skyscrapers and Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate sculpture. Here is a sampling of what is new in Chicago for MLA ’19.
The house band is ready to go. Are you? The call is still OPEN for folks to sign up and join in the fun. Individual members, groups, libraries, chapters, sections, and special interest groups (SIGs) are invited to pull it all together for the MLA open mic night. This is your chance to shine.
Come to MLA ’19 on Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, develop a skill in an MLA practice area by taking a continuing education (CE) course, and have extra time to explore MLA’s home town, Chicago!
Whether you’re a first time MLA attendee or an experienced participant, Colleague Connection has something for you! Sign up by April 10!
AHA has graciously offered to host an open house at the AHA Resource Center just a mile away from the conference on Wednesday, May 8th, from 1:00pm- 3:00pm.
MLA congratulates the 2019 recipients of the Annual Meeting Travel Grant. Financial support for 2019 travel grants includes ten grants supported from the MLA annual budget and ten grants generously sponsored by McGraw-Hill. All recipients will be honored during MLA ’19 in Chicago.
The Research Awards Committee of the MLA Research Section is seeking judges for research papers and posters at MLA ’19 in Chicago. If you are willing to help, please fill out the online form by Friday, April 5.
Spring is a beautiful, but unpredictable, time in Chicago.